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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Achtung Panzer ! : Vehicles of the Wehrmacht & Waffen-SS

    Achtung Panzer !

    Mechanization was relatively slow to come to the German army, in part because of the limitations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles and because of simple poverty. Eventual improvements in armor technology changed German minds, however. Instead of subordinating tanks to infantry, and thereby limiting their tactical and operational speed, thought was given to finding ways to subordinate the other arms to tanks instead. The development of Mechanized forces and armor in Germany has long been associated with Heinz Guderian. A famous quote from Guderian can be seen below :

    You hit somebody with your fist, and not with your fingers spread
    This quote directly alludes to the eminently suited idea of Bewegungskrieg. Armored forces provided the necessary striking force that could punch through enemy defenses, and they had the mobility to exploit any breaches they created in the enemy line without losing their momentum. When marrying the theory of a ''Lightning'' style of warfare with the philosophical ideals of Schwerpunkt, a vast mechanized force was needed

    The depth and diversity of the vehicles the Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht had at their disposal and operated with still has not been matched today, by any modern military. A proper thread for the education and showcasing of these vehicles can be found here. Both pictures and videos/documentaries are acceptable.
    Last edited by Josef Weiss; 08-20-2018 at 08:58 PM.

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